A fast-paced, five-exercise kettlebell weight loss workout! These kettlebell exercises use your entire body to help you work up a sweat, strengthen your muscles and burn fat.

If you want to minimize time spent in the gym but maximize your weight loss results, use these kettlebell exercises (and follow these 6 hacks for weight loss for moms).
Kettlebell training is a great training tool (actually one of my top four pieces of home workout equipment) because they can be used for so much and often require your entire body to perform an exercise.
Plus, all you need is one kettlebell to get in a killer, full-body workout.
This kettlebell weight loss workout uses the base movements that every mom should be strong in.
As a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, it's with these kettlebell training exercises that I help clients smash goals.
The Kettlebell Workout
This particular full body kettlebell workout places a lot of focus on unilateral training (learn more about unilateral training) to help you prevent injury and strengthen your core.
Likewise, there's a focus on the posterior chain to help you improve posture and perform daily tasks easier.
All rolled into one circuit to help you burn fat and shed weight.
Single Kettlebell Reverse Lunge | 8-10 per leg |
Single Kettlebell Bentover Row | 8-10 per arm |
Goblet Squat With Pause | 10 reps |
Single Arm Chest Press | 8-10 per arm |
Kettlebell Swings | 20-30 |
Rest | 60 seconds x 3-4 sets |
To Perform:
You're going to perform each full body kettlebell exercise back to back for the written number of repetitions without rest.
Finally, after the kettlebell swing you'll rest for 60-90 seconds (the shorter the rest the harder the workout) before performing the circuit again.
Kettlebell Workout Printable PDF
Below is a free PDF printable of the kettlebell weight loss workout! Print it off and use it when you complete the workout to track your weights and any notes you have as you go through it.
Then, progress and push harder!
Choosing A Weight
There's no one size fits all approach when it comes to choosing a weight for this workout.
You want a weight that's challenging on each kettlebell exercise but allows you to still use proper form. Most females do well to start with a twenty-pound kettlebell.
Create a stronger, healthier you with minimal space and money! Check out the 4 best home workout equipment to rock your at-home fitness journey.
The Exercises
These exercises require you to focus on engagement and not just going through the motions.
Take your time learning how to perform them and you'll get a better bang for your buck!
Kettlebell Reverse Lunge
Standing upright, hold the kettlebell in one arm down by your hip. With the same leg, step back into a lunge position.
Hinge forward at the hips slightly as you lower down into the lunge. Pause briefly as you pull the body back up through the front heel into a standing position.

Kettlebell Bentover Row
Hold the kettlebell in one hand and hinge from the hips sinking your weight backward. Keep the knees soft and the back flat. This is the starting bent over position.
Keep the shoulders squared and neck neutral as you use your back muscles to row the kettlebell up toward your chest. Pause and return to the starting position.
Perform all repetitions on one side before moving onto the next.

Kettlebell Goblet Squat With Pause
Hold the kettlebell upside down in your hands at chest height. Take the feet shoulder width apart.
Keeping the chest up, lower into a squat aiming to get your elbows to your knees. Pause for three seconds driving the knees out.
Push evenly through the feet to reverse the movement.

Single Arm Floor Press
Lay on the ground with your knees bent and the kettlebell hooked onto the wrist of one arm.
Stabilize your shoulder and core as you press the bell up into the arm. Reverse the movement and lower the bell toward the floor. Keep the elbow slightly tucked below the shoulder while pressing.

Kettlebell Swing
Standing upright with the kettlebell held with straight arms in front of you. Start with feet hip-width apart and adjust further as needed. Knees slightly bent. Hinge forward and keeping the bell high on your legs, let it go behind you slightly.
Use your glutes to thrust the kettlebell forward and up. Then, let the bell pull you back into the hip hinge position.
Think of a pendulum on a clock, it swings, don’t control the movement.
For example do’s and don’ts check out the video below.
Important Teaching Points
This kettlebell workout is fast but effective. It combines external resistance in a circuit-based workout to not only target all of your muscles but get your heart rate up to.
The number one thing you can do to make at home kettlebell training effective is to focus on really making the exercises count, contract, and understand each movement and you'll get more bang for your buck.
And of course, don't forget to keep some homemade muscle rub on hand to help your muscles recover for the next sweat session!
Frequently Asked Questions About The Kettlebell Workout For Weight Loss
Not only do kettlebells add an element of external resistance to a workout but they also require the full body to engage during kettlebell exercises. This makes kettlebell exercises a great weight loss tool.
Combined with good eating habits, a twenty-minute kettlebell workout is effective for weight loss. It's not the duration of a workout that makes it effective but the intensity. So, make sure you're increasing your workout intensity on a regular basis to keep your body progressing.
Other Wicked Fitness Tips You'll Love
There isn't one perfect way to work out- there are lots! So find a full-body workout (like this kettlebell circuit!) that works for you.
For your priorities and your lifestyle. There's a lot you can do with just one kettlebell and not only will your workouts be effective but they'll be quick because you can work out at home and eliminate travel time.
Stay fit mamas xx
Thanks for sharing, Shelby! I'm always on the hunt for new kettlebell workouts, so this has me very excited! Stay fit <3
Yay! KB training is fun- enjoy!
These are great tips! I'll be incorporating these into today's workout!! Perfect timing!
Glad to hear it- enjoy the workout!
The Food Hunter
This is a great circuit. I'll be adding it to my weekly rotation
Wahoo- enjoy! It's a fun one 🙂
Raia Todd
I've never used kettelbells before. Can I use something like a bag of potatoes or something. That's pretty much the only thing I have that would work. Haha.
Haha actually a bag of potatoes would probably do the trick! Any "tool" will work 😀
Melissa@Real Nutritious Living
I’m always looking for fun and interesting variations and workouts. Thanks Shelby!
Wahoo! Yay I hope you enjoy giving it a try!
Carol Little R.H. @studiobotanica
Thanks for sharing. Whatever we can do, at home, and whenever we can fit it in... is super!
Yes! At home workouts make life so much simpler!
Fantastic workout! I can wait to try your snack recipes too!
Thanks Kathy! We are snack fiends in this house haha so I hope you enjoy some of the recipes!
linda spiker
I had six kids in ten years. Home workouts were the only way I could work out for about 12 years! They were a life saver!
SIX?! You have six?! You are my new hero! But yes, I can see how hitting the gym wouldn't exactly happen 😛 Kudos lady you're a freaking rockstar.