Learning how to deadlift can be a game changer in strength, weight loss, muscle mass, and injury prevention. Learn the main reasons why you should do deadlifts and then find a variation that works for you.
Aas a crucial part of the posterior chain, making the deadlift part of your regular exercise routine should be a priority.

For many people (specifically women) "deadlift' is a big scary word. Images of jacked guys pulling hundreds of pounds of weight off the floor are conjured and fear sets in.
However, as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist deadlifts are just another way of working the posterior chain- a crucial group of muscles.
Deadlifts don't have to be scary. Really it's just a fancy way of saying "pick something up with good form".
What You'll Learn In This Post:
- why should you do deadlifts
- is it necessary to do deadlifts
- why are deadlifts bad
- Exercises to do in place of deadlifts
- Form Tips and FAQ's For Performing The Deadlift
How Did The Deadlift Get Its Name?
Did you know that the exercise got its name "deadlift" in Rome, from a war sergeant?
The story goes that while at war, much of his army was being injured (via muscles, not gunshots) when out on the field trying to carry back fallen soldiers.
The sergeant took the time to teach them to pick up the bodies properly and his rate of injured soldiers went down.
Neat and creepy at the same time eh?
Why Should You Do Deadlifts?
The benefits of using deadlifts in your training program are outstanding. However, below are the main reasons I love the deadlift.
Keep in mind, you don't need to crush a lot of weight to see results from this exercise! There are so many variations of the deadlift that there's one right for everyone.
Deadlifting Is A Full Body Exercise
When you perform a deadlift, you are using all major muscle groups. Yep all muscle groups.
Whether to pull directly or to stabilize everything in your system must be engaged.
Likewise, because the deadlift works so many muscles it's pretty high on the "big bang for your buck list". Honestly, this exercise is a time saver.
Deadlifts Emphasize The Posterior Chain
While the deadlifts are a full-body exercise, the emphasis is placed on the posterior chain. A group of muscles down the back of the body. This group of muscles, when strong help:
- prevent injury
- improve posture
- reduce back pain (learn more on how to reduce back pain)
- carry babes easier
- improve performance
So, mastering the deadlift and progressing it over time can help improve all of the things above.
Deadlifting Improves Glute Strength
Developing your glutes is crucial for busy moms (here are the benefits of glute training).
Our glutes support our pelvic floor in pregnancy and postpartum. Similarly, they help us pick up and carry babes easier and with less injury. And every version of the deadlift helps with some sort of muscle growth in the glutes.
Deadlifts Mimic A Daily Movement
You pick things up all day long. Literally. If your toddler is anything like mine she constantly wants "uppa mama uppa".
Thus, the more you strengthen the movement with proper form, the easier it is to pick things up like babies, kitty litter, and groceries.
Being strong improves day to day tasks. And one thing is for sure, deadlift training keep you strong.
Deadlifts Strengthen Your Core
It takes a lot of effort to pull up from the floor and your whole body must work together. Including your core!
When people think of training abs, they think mostly of direct work (sit-ups crunches etc). But, your core is so much more than that (learn more about ab exercises better than sit-ups!).
Your core is responsible for keeping you upright and essentially preventing movement. Plus, muscle growth in the core muscles supports your low back.
Being a full-body, loaded, exercise, deadlifts are a great way to train your core for day-to-day movement.

Is It Necessary To Do Deadlifts?
Truth be told, in fitness and exercise, nothing is completely necessary. At the end of the day, you want to have a strong posterior chain and there are other ways to get it.
However, deadlifts force your body to work together as it would in daily tasks. While you can train hamstrings with hamstring curls and glutes with hip thrusts, neither of those require as much of a connection between your upper and lower body as the deadlift.
So, while it's not necessary to do deadlifts, deadlifts are easily one of the best ways to achieve your goals (be they weight loss, muscle growth, strength, performance, or injury prevention).
Likewise, there are SO MANY ways to deadlift and it would be silly not to work them into your routine.
So yes, deadlifts are worth it.
Other Exercises To Do In Place Of Deadlifts
While I love deadlifts, there are great ways to boost the strength of the posterior chain instead of deadlifts that still reinforce the hip hinge.
Try using some of the exercises below as they mimic the hip hinge pattern needed for the lift:
- cable pull through
- hip thrust
- Romanian deadlift
- reverse hyperextensions
- Bulgarian split squats
- Back extensions
Why Are Deadlifts Bad?
"I avoid deadlifts to protect my back" is the silliest excuse in the book.
Deadlifts get a bad reputation for hurting your back when in reality it's how you perform the deadlift that matters. The irony is that deadlifts are one of the best exercises you can DO for your back (...when done with proper form)!
However, deadlifts are no different than picking anything up off the floor without using the appropriate muscles. It will hurt your back.
This exercise doesn't cause injury, poor form when training them does. Likewise, poor choice in your deadlifts causes injury.
You wouldn't load up a bar and put it on your back without learning to squat first. So why pick up something heavy off the floor without learning how?
Form Tips For Performing The Deadlift
The most common problem with deadlifts is a rounding of the low back (and somewhat the upper). Instead of fearing the lift itself, learn to perform it properly.
A great way to do this is to learn the trap bar deadlift or a suitcase deadlift with resistance bands.
This keeps the weight distribution a bit more friendly for beginners.
Also, the deadlift is a hip hinge, and thus learning and truly perfecting the hinge will allow you to lift over and over. Check out the video below to learn how to hip hinge.
When it comes to deadlifting some things will depend on the variation you choose, However, below are a few cues to keep in the back of your mind:
- keep a neutral low back
- engage the back of the shoulders (pinch your shoulder blades)
- squeeze oranges in your armpits
- shins to barbell (this is a bit different for trap bar deadlifts)
- push the floor away
- brace and breathe

Deadlift Variations
There's no need to start picking heavy things up off the floor out of nowhere. Instead, work on some of the variations and stances below to both perfect the form and figure out which deadlift suits you best!
- conventional barbell deadlift
- sumo stance barbell deadlift
- trap bar deadlifts
- suitcase deadlift
- resistance band suitcase deadlift
- resistance band deadlift
- romanian deadlift
- American deadlift
Stronger Glutes, Stronger You
— No Gym Required
Looking to build stronger, more defined glutes without spending hours at the gym?
Whether you’re aiming to reduce back pain, improve posture, or just get a little extra lift, these quick, effective glute workouts are designed for busy lifestyles.
Feel stronger and perform daily tasks with less effort in just 10 weeks with this workout plan. With videos of each exercise and troubleshooting form tips, this guide takes you through each step in the process.
Tone. Strengthen. Thrive.
Other Fitness Tips To Help You Get Strong
- How to do push ups if you're a complete beginner
- Wicked back exercises you can do at home
- Glute training 101: everything you need to know
- How to engage the glutes
- Workout finishers for strong glutes
- How glutes help alleviate back pain
- How to strengthen the glutes in 5 exercises
- No equipment shoulder workout
- How to make at home workouts harder
- The best mom workout for busy days
- Resistance training for beginners: 5 tips to get started
- Everything you need to know about home workouts
- The best tricep exercises for women
- Why you should use pause reps
- Best bodyweight exercises for moms
- Follow-along at-home workouts
- Glute finishers
- Fitness tips to smash goals
Frequently Asked Questions About Deadlifts
If you're looking for fast muscle growth, weight loss, muscle tone, or avoiding a low back injury later on, deadlifts are worth mastering. This exercise works your body as a whole and is one of the best ways to get strong.
Though deadlifts will strengthen the back muscles and improve their strength in holding a neutral position. They won't help grow the thickness of your back as much as dedicated back exercises will.
Before training the deadlift, you need to master the hip hinge without weight. From there you can scale up to Romanian deadlifts. When you find that you're able to maintain a flat back against load, working on trap bar deadlifts or suitcase deadlists is a good place to start.
With romanian deadlifts you begin in a standing position with the load held in your hands against your thighs. You then initiate the movement by push backwards with the hips. The weights never touch the ground. In a traditional deadlift, the weight is on the floor to start and your goal is to pick it up.
Deadlifts are a functional exercise that will keep you strong, add more muscle, and help you to perform daily tasks easier.
They work nearly every muscle you have at once.
Thus, learn to perform them properly, find the variation that works best for you and your body, and don't underestimate them ... they really will make you feel like a badass!
Love this! I want to get back into lifting again to tone up after a 90 lb weight loss.
Holy cripes, CONGRATS. They is really amazing Bobbi- be proud! Enjoy getting back into lifting and rocking some serious butt kicking!
one of the best compound movements you can do and so many variations! Great read
Thanks Ryan! I think I would die without deadlifts in my life... 😀
Kimberly Hsieh
I need to try this out at some point! I have bad knees though :/
Definitely give it a shot- the deadlift is a hip dominant (not knee) movement so you should be okay. But like all lifting, make sure you nail form down and start small. If you need help just shout! I'd be happy to assess over video 🙂
Hannah @ The Northern Writes
wow that's incredible, I think the fear useully kicks in before I start on weights like that!
Hannah @ The Northern Writes | http://www.thenorthernwrites.co.uk
Haha I never imagined I'd get up that heavy- and there was definitely some fear (I've partially detached both my hamstrings- not from lifting) but it definitely made me feel awesome! Though you don't have to lift heavy to rock deadlifts.
I've never tried, but looks like I should! I've definitely started lifting more and I love it!
Congrats on getting more into lifting, I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Way to go! You seriously are an inspiration to all women, not just moms! Also I love that you refer to yourself as Mama Bear because that is what I call my sister! Lol 🙂
Thanks for the compliment Glenna! I really appreciate it 🙂 Haha I think there are a lot of us Mama Bears out there!
Atim at EffiFit
I love deadlifting! Like you said, it makes me feel like a badass too. I had a goal of deadlifting 300 lbs. I got to 270.
You hit 270?! That's amazing- way to go! I want to crack 200 SO badly (I weigh in a 119lbs so it's a good amount for me) but am currently pregnant so I have to wait lol
I haven't tried but You are definitely inspiring me to give it a go 🙂 !
Thanks Kara! I love them 🙂
WOW! I can't imagine doing this. I wish I were in shape like that, but I'm not! Maybe someday!
Thanks Danielle! It wasn't overnight haha it's been quite a long journey 🙂
Taylor Kirk
I wish I could dead lift! Def. a workout goal I have.
Start small- you can do it!
Thank you for going through this step by step and addressing back issues!
Not a problem Nonnee! Back issues hinder a lot of us so anything we can do to improve them is a step forward. Come back soon!
Nina Misteli
Love this! I've receintly started to go back to the gym! I love the deadlifts!
Wahoo! Another lifter, I love it! Welcome back to the fun side 😉 Glad you're enjoying getting back into it!
sonali jain
Nice workout with this much variation. really an inspiration. 🙂
Thank you sonali!
Wow- crazy proud of you! I wish I were able to do something like that! Deadlifts are insane!! Keep up the good work girl! ♥
Thanks Emily! I started from scratch so it's been quite the journey 🙂