Upper back exercises are often overlooked when it comes to back pain. However, with just one strength band you can strengthen your upper back, relieve tension, and gets stronger.
As a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, this is a back exercise I frequently use as a warm-up for my signature workout program. It’s simple to implement but effective when it comes to getting stronger.

Benefits Of The Exercise
With multiple perks this one exercise can help you:
- Improve your posture
- Get stronger in the gym
- Make daily tasks (like carrying kids or groceries) easier
- Reduce upper back pain (learn more about back pain)
- Support the spine and protect it
- Scale down neck pain
- Prevent shoulder injuries
Band Pull Aparts For A Stronger Back
The band pull apart targets the back of your shoulders while opening up the chest muscles. It can be used as an exercise itself or as a warm up drill before a bigger upper body day. I use it as a warm up frequently in my SMASH Fit For Life workouts.
Perform 12 repetitions of the pull apart for 2 sets with 20 seconds of rest between them. Make sure not to bend the elbows backward but instead “open up” like you’re giving a hug.
You can find a demo of the exercise at 25 seconds in the video below.
How to perform it:
- Stand tall with your feet flat on the floor and hold a red strength band in your hands with palms facing down. Keep the elbows slightly bent as you open up the arms driving the side of your hands backward and feeling your shoulder blades together behind your back.
- Make sure not to row the elbows backward but instead, open up the arms. Do not lock out the elbows.
Hack: If you struggle to maintain an engaged core and find yourself flaring your low back, perform this exercise laying down in a deadbug position.

How To Get Stronger
To keep challenging yourself on the band pull apart and get the biggest bang for your buck, perform the exercise with a variety of grips.
Start with your palms facing down for one set, then facing up (in an underhand grip) on the second set, and finally in a neutral position with them facing each other.
Each grip variation strengthens your back and shoulders in a different way. Of course, use the exercise with something like this 60 second thoracic spine exercise to push your upper back even further.
Frequently Asked Questions
You want to grab a set of strength bands which means closed loop bands. These are the ones that will work best for your at home workouts. Learn more about the benefits of resistance bands and how to choose them.
Do this upper body exercise 4 times per week if possible. This exercise, in conjunction with thoracic spine mobility drills is a GAME CHANGER for neck, upper back, and shoulder pain.
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