Trying to conceive but just can’t wait for your period? If you look closely, there’s a lot your body will tell you. In fact, there may be lots of early pregnancy symptoms you just need to pay attention to! With my third pregnancy underway, these are the early pregnancy symptoms before a missed period that I've experienced.
And here we go again- I can’t quite believe it but baby three is on the way. This time, I am SUPER EXCITED to share it with you.
All three of my pregnancies have been planned and all of them took their time. This means that early pregnancy symptoms are pretty common to me.
Actually, it’s funny how I knew I was pregnant long before I missed a period (up to ten days before!). This occurred with all three pregnancies!
It drives me nuts truly believing I’m pregnant and having test after test come back negative. I’ve been super certain with all of my pregnancies and yet continue to waste pregnancy tests testing too soon (oops!).
So, mama, if you’re in the same boat as I was, I feel yah. I know the struggle of wanting it so badly and thinking every little twinge is a sign. Of scouring the internet looking for some hope that this time is it. Of buying tests in bulk because you just need to know.
It’s my hope that this blog post on my first pregnancy symptoms gives you something to think about or maybe even some peace of mind.
And worse care scenario, laugh it off. Here are some funny letter board quotes to keep you smiling (and some cute Christmas pregnancy announcements to plan!).
It’s a waiting game mostly but there are some hints????
Food Aversions
This has always been my biggest tell. Twelve days before my period was due with my first babe, I sat down to eat a bowl of chia pudding and couldn’t do it.
With my second, it was a salad. This pregnancy, it was broccoli at dinner one night and then a smoothie the next days (about 6 days before period). I literally couldn’t do it.
This one was new to me and didn’t happen with my first two. This time though, I am tired. I took a nap two days in a row (I don’t nap) and then went to bed at 8:30 pm! Everyone in the house has been baffled but I had an idea of what was going on.
First Pregnancy Symptoms: Full or Tingly Boobs
This is the most common of early pregnancy symptoms and a huge tell with my first and second. I was constantly grabbing my boobs because there were little jolts going through them.
This time around though there were no jolts. I know, because I poked my boobs so much, they hurt! They did feel bigger though and that’s saying something as I’m classically super small in the boob department.
This is a gross one no one really talks about but it’s one that if you learn about you know what’s going on vaginal discharge tells you a lot about your body, including when you’re ovulating and when you’re pregnant!
Very often vaginal discharge in early pregnancy it changes to thick, sticky white (gross I know). I knew this and was on super lookout for it.
And low and behold, five days before my period was due there it was – but my test still said negative ha-ha.
Nauseous or Queasy - The Earliest Of First Pregnancy Symptoms
Let’s talk that queasy feeling. To me, I never placed emphasis on this as the biggest of first pregnancy symptoms because I get queasy around periods too.
However, I will note that the queasy was a different feeling and lasted longer. It came in waves but lingered. Mainly, it was annoying.
Poor Recovery
Being a fitness junkie means that I work out all year round as well as during pregnancy. I have lots of recovery systems in place to maximize my training.
Sporadic soreness from a typical workout, fatigue, and breathlessness during a resistance training session and muscle fatigue are all early pregnancy signs!
If you train year-round and are on top of your plan, you'll notice when your workouts aren't up to par.
I've always associated heartburn with later pregnancy however it's a common early pregnancy symptom too! It's caused by your hormones are literally doubling. I eat a very alkaline diet and so heartburn is a rare occurrence for me. So, five days before my period was due when I got heartburn right after dinner and before bed, It definitely made me think pregnancy.
It was fixed up with some apple cider vinegar and water (heartburn is caused by low stomach acid not too much), but it was huge tip-off. My first thought was pregnancy.
Don't Forget To Pin These First Pregnancy Symptoms!
When it comes to how I knew I was pregnant, much of it was knowing and much of it was hope. Like I mentioned, I take a bazillion pregnancy tests when I suspect because I just can’t wait.
And while there are so many other first pregnancy symptoms, these have been the biggest and the most prominent for all three of my pregnancies. But they only appear if you’re paying attention.
Hoping To Have A Fit & Healthy Pregnancy?
Below are some resources on the blog to have a healthy pregnancy in all the trimesters that I've written both as a mom who has experienced being pregnant as well as a coach.
- How to stay fit in the first trimester
- How to stay fit in the second trimester
- Tips to stay fit and healthy in the third trimester
- Hip exercises every mama should do
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