Embrace the mess and reap the benefits of dirt play for kids! My daughters love playing in dirt and I'm not complaining. Unstructured dirt play helps everything from the immune system to mental stimulation. So, let your kids play in the dirt!
On any given day in the summer, you can find my kids in the backyard. Shovels in hand, feet bare, dirt down their clothes (and probably on their face), and matted into the hair.
And I love it. I love looking over and seeing my girls playing in the dirt.
The truth is, there are so many benefits of dirt play for kids. Not in the least is that they love it!
Toddlers find dirt unbelievably intriguing and I couldn't imagine taking that away. Between "gardening", helping daddy with the lawn, and just plain digging, the girls never seem to be out of the dirt!
But as I said, there are benefits to letting your kids play in dirt, and here they are!
Benefits Of Dirt Play For Kids: An Immune System Boost
This is the biggest perk for me. Furthermore, it's the number one reason I adore my dirt play for the kids.
We seem to have started living in a freakishly sterilized world and yet people are sicker than ever. The truth is, by playing in dirt you're allowing your body to build up defenses to it.
Thus, you also allow their immune systems to adjust to the environment.
By giving their systems time to adjust to the environment, kids are less likely to have seasonal allergies as they've already built up the necessary defenses.
While it may not look appetizing, it really isn't the end of the world if your kid eats some dirt. Standing, playing, touching are all awesome.
Dirt Play Keeps Kids Outside
I personally hate this new age of technology where kids as young as two can work an iPhone better than me.
Though that's a rant for another day. Regardless of the learning perks of an iPad, getting outside and enjoying the sun, the earth, and nature is beyond beneficial for kids.
getting kids outside and yes, playing in the dirt can help lessen stress and anxiety. And kids can learn so much but just exploring outside. By digging, playing, and using their hands.
As a kid, I was forced outside in the summer from 9am-9pm (my stepmothers' biggest rule). And truthfully, I loved it. We played, dug, built, fished, and rode bikes. Kids learn from doing so get them out!
Benefits Of Dirt Play: It boosts Vitamin D
If your little one is outside in the dirt chances are they're getting their fair share of sunshine too! Vitamin D is awesome for both bones as well as the immune system so letting your kids hang out outside is perfect for them
Kids Will Sleep Better
The old saying that fresh air wipes you out is true!
Being outside and playing in the earth gets you tuckered. Between the sun, the activity, and the long days your kids will sleep much better after a day outside.
Dirt Is Good For The Brain & The Skin
I once heard that dirt provides positive benefits for the brain and the skin.
Personally, I think this is because being outside naturally makes us happier. Thus, benefiting our brain. As for inflammation, some types of dirt or clay definitely have anti-inflammatory properties.
Regardless of the reasons, let your kids play in dirt! While bath time at the end of the day may be a bit longer (dirt under the nails takes forever to come out!) it's definitely worth it.
Help your kids boost their immune system, feel better and learn better by getting them outside and dirty.
All about building immunity with rough and tumble dirt playing. Builds character and your health!
Yes! You literally can't go wrong 🙂
i couldn't agree more! building an immune system early on is so important!
It literally sets you up for life 🙂
Love this! Keep those kids outside! When I was young that's all I did was stay in the warm sun and play make believe lol. Now technology has taken over and kids want nothing to do with their backyards. But this is a great reminder!
Thank you! Courtney you rock 🙂 I was outside all the time as a kid too and it's such a better learning environment!
Sophia Alisa Ali
1 This is an interesting article, did not know dirt is good for children health? wow! Thanks for sharing! x
My 10 year old daughter still loves to play in the dirt. I also have her play outside most of the day the kids need to burn off all of that energy
I love it! Honestly, outside is the best place for them- kids were meant to move, create and play!
I was always outside playing when I was a little girl ! 🙂 Playing outside is good for the soul 🙂
It is! It keeps you happy, healthy and imaginative!
Zesty Olive
I love everything about this post! Yay dirt! 😉 As a kid, I know I played in the dirt, and I also enjoyed washing it off, too...outside with the water hose. Great fun for kids!
It's perfect for kids! Thanks for the awesome comment- i was an outdoors kid too and you learn so much!
Love this. It drives me nuts when moms are so OCD over they're kids. You're doing it right!
Thanks Gretchen! My daughter is a dirt fiend haha and I see no reason to stand in her way 😀
Sweety S Manglic
Lovely write up and informative too!
We always played in the dirt & my kids do too. Only once have we had a negative reaction after playing in the dirt. Otherwise, they are happy, smelly, & ready for bed after a great day outside. ?
Haha yes! By the end of the day they're wiped- it's perfect. It's honestly the best way to burn off the never ending kid energy.
I have a love hate relationship with my kids playing in dirt. I love all the amazing benefits, but I hate doing the laundry!
Haha that is totally fair! My daughter clothes are definitely not pristine. They are worn and stained- it's a necessary sacrifice but yes the baskets do pile up... 😀
Totally! I love seeing my little ones getting after it in the dirt/sand. Dirt don't hurt. 🙂
Yes! It makes me smile that she loves it so much
Amy Jones
This is a great idea! All parents should be aware
Courtney | Simply Happy Mama
We love to play outside at my home! usually without shoes..
I love to see children enjoying the outdoors. I love the photos in this post.
My little one never has shows on either haha I love it!
Sara at MagicalMamaBlog
I love this! I loved getting muddy and drinking from the hose as a kid and I turned out just fine. I'm so excited to get my little one acquainted with the dirt and grass. No iPad for her!
Right?! We did the same thing and it's so beneficial. Best memories of childhood are being outside!