Want to strengthen and sculpt the quads without machines, barbells, or other people? Start adding dumbbell quad exercises into your home workouts!
As one of the largest muscles, having strong quads will help you run, jump, and play better.. without pain or injury! As a Certified Strength Coach, these are the dumbbell quad exercises I use with clients to start training their legs in the comfort of their pajamas.
In the last few years, glute training has taken priority for all lower-body work (learn everything you need to know about glute training).
However, as one of the larger muscles in the body, you should be aiming for strong quads as well.
The quadriceps are actually made up of four muscles ) vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and the rectus femoris).
And though these home exercises target the quads, know that muscles work together not individually. Meaning, these dumbbell quad exercises will also target other leg muscles and core as well (just like this quad workout with dumbbells).
Benefits Of Strong Quads
And though traditional leg extensions are great, training the quadricpes is so much more than that and you'll reap better benefits from training a mixture of compound and isolation exercises.
That's exactly how I program the workouts for SMASH Fit For Life and the results have been great.
Think you don’t need to train quads? Think again! Having strong quads helps:
- You run faster
- Allows you to jump easier
- Prevents knee injuries
- Lets you cycle with your kids
The Best Dumbbell Quad Exercises
1. Goblet Squat
- Start with your feet shoulder width apart (roughly). Hold the dumbbell vertical and at your chest.
- Begin sinking down into the squat by pushing your hips back and bringing your elbows to your knees.
- Pause briefly and reverse the movement by push up through the feet into a standing position.
Perform 8-20 repetitions. Here is a video on how to perform goblet squats.
2. Seated Leg Extension
- Sit on a table or chair with your feet under your bent knees. Place a dumbbell between your feet and squeeze them together.
- Bracing your body use your quadriceps to raise the dumbbell off the floor by unbending the knees with straight legs.
- Pause briefly and return to the starting position.
Perform 10-12 repetitions.
3. Front Squat
- Start with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. Hold two dumbbells in your hands at shoulder height
- Begin sinking down into the squat, keeping the chest up. It’s okay if the knees go over the toes.
- Pause briefly and reverse the movement by push up through the feet into a standing position.
Perform 8-12 repetitions
4. Step Ups
- Find a bench, stairs, or very secured chair. Place the left foot on the bench and hold dumbbells at your sides. The right foot should be very close to the bench. Do not push off the right foot but instead pull your body up with the left foot and unbend the knee.
- Bring the right foot onto the bench. Stand tall.
- Reverse the movement by bending the left knee, leaning forward slightly and slowly lowering the right leg to the floor.
Perform 8-10 repetitions per leg.
5. Kneeling Leg Extension
- Come into a kneeling position holding one dumbbell at chest height.
- Squeeze your glutes as you start to lean backward keeping a flat back.
- Go as low as comfortable and then use your quadriceps to help reverse the movement and pull the body back up.
Perform 8-10 repetitions.
6. Dumbbell Forward Lunge
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand up tall.
- Step forward with the right foot and at the same time begin dropping the left knee toward the floor. Keep the torso upright. The weight should be evenly distributed in the front foot.
- Pause briefly at the bottom and reverse the movement by push up through the right foot, extending the left knee and stepping back into the starting position.
Perform 8-12 repetitions per side.
7. Step Out Lunge
8. Bulgarian Split Squat
- Set up in lunge position with the left leg elevated on the bench and the right knee over the heel fairly close to the bend. Hold the dumbbells in your hands.
- Keep the torso mostly upright as you push backward and drop the left knee towards the floor while keeping the right knee facing forwards.
- Push through the heel to reverse the movement and extend the hips to the starting position.
- Perform all repetitions on the right leg before moving on to the next.
Perform 8-12 repetitions.
9. Heel Elevated Squats
- Grab two books or small weight plates. Place them on the floor and place your heels on the books with the toes on the floor wide enough to perform a squat.
- Hold the dumbbells at your side or on your shoulders. Sinking the hips straight down, bend the knees and lower into the squat.
- Pause briefly and push through the feet to the top position.
Perform 10-15 repetitions.
10. Duck Walk
- Hold a dumbbell horizontally at chest height.
- Sink into the bottom position of a squat with your feet shoulder width apart. Feel your hip stretch out.
- Hold the parallel squat and begin shuffling forward by moving one foot at a time while you stay in the low position.
Perform for 20-30 seconds.
Staggard Goblet Squat
- Hold the dumbbells at your sides and step one foot forward. The other leg will be out to the back and side.
- Lower down into the front leg bringing your bum toward your calf. Keep the weight on the front leg.
- Push up through the front foot into a standing position.
- Repeat.
Perform for 8-10 repetitions per leg.
Knees To Squat
- Come into a kneeling position holding one dumbbell like a goblet at your chest.
- Bring one foot up into a half kneeling position with the foot close to your bum.
- Shift the weight into the front foot and bring the other foot up so that you're in the bottom of a squat.
- Keep the heels on the floor.
- Reverse the movement back to a kneeling position.
Perform for 30 seconds.
Pistol Squats
This one may seem intimidating but it doesn't mean you need to drop into a full single leg squat. Instead, use one of the variations below. The squat to a bench or chair as well as the eccentric pistol squat can be done with a dumbbell at home and is a great way to strengthen the quads (and build stability).
MAXIMIZE Your Workout Time
Discover the ultimate solution for busy moms seeking a quick and effective workout routine at home. As an exhausted mom of three, I designed these home workout sessions to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule.
They focus on getting STRONGER for real-life activities.
No more feeling guilty about missed gym sessions or overwhelmed about WHAT to do. The SMASH program was made for busy moms to help you regain your confidence and have FUN. Choose from a variety of packages and start prioritizing yourself today so that you can better help your family tomorrow.
the ultimate workout program for busy moms—quick, effective strength-based workouts you can do at home in just 25 minutes to help you gain confidence, energy and feel in control.
Frequently Asked Questions About Quadricep Exercises
When trying to build a muscle, aim to train your quadriceps at least two days per week. This can be done by adding quad-specific exercises into your current training routine or by creating a quad-based workout. Aim to have at least two rest days between quad workouts.
Though the goblet squat is really common, a heels elevated squat will target the quadriceps the most, as would a sissy squat. Since the sissy squat is harder to perform at home as you need to anchor the feet, a heels elevated squat is the best choice for home workouts.
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- Everything you need to know about home workouts
5 Minute Quad Workout At Home
Bulgarian Split Squats | 30 seconds per leg |
Kneeling leg extension | 20 seconds |
Duck walk | 15 seconds |
Rest | 20 seconds |
Step Out Lunge | 30 seconds per leg |
To Perform: Begin by completing the split squats for each leg before moving into the leg extensions and duck walks without rest between. After the duck walks, rest for 20 second before repeating the first three exercises again.
Then, move on to the step put lunge. Perform each leg for thirty seconds.
Here's another great 5 minute workout for busy days if you need it too.
Ok, so I tend to sit a lot at my job and have been looking for some exercises I can do in my office. These are PERFECT. I have been doing these three times a week at work and can tell a huge difference already! Thank you for these simple and easy fitness tips!
I'm so happy you gave them a go!