Grab Everything You Need

to make the products you love

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The Products You Need From One Mama To Another

Organic Butters
Carrier ils
Powders & Extracts
DIY Containers

If You're Canadian...

I grab a lot of my diy products (butters and oils) from the company below

Psstt.. my favorite company for butters is organics traditions 😉 and they have free shipping on orders over $50!

One Last Note

Sometimes, it is totally easier to buy a products instead of make it (pretty much my experience with deodorant) - no judgement!

Primally Pure has all-natural, amazing beauty products with ingredients I can both pronounce and purchase! I fell in love with their charcoal deodorant and blue tansy face cream- just sayin'

So, if you're not up to making your own, head over there and use code mamabear10 to save some money.