Trying to figure out how to lose weight permanently? There's no 7-day scheme or quick fix. Instead, you'll need to commit to fixing the four pillars of weight loss to achieve long-term success.
Stop dieting and trying to burn more calories. Instead, learn what your body needs in order to start losing weight healthily and keep it off.

When it comes to losing weight permanently, there is so much more to consider than a quick-fix, low-cal diet.
For serious permanent weight loss goals, it takes grit, dedication, and an all-around approach (check out a few tips on how to lose weight here).
And on top of these four pillars, there’s also one teensy tiny secret when it comes to maintaining healthy weight.
When it comes to weight loss, most people fail. Sure, they can drop weight quick enough in 4-8 weeks (ever heard of the dumb cabbage soup diet?),
But the slow and steady progress of long-term results encompasses much more than just fewer calories and more activity.
You need to focus on:
- Nutrition
- Fitness
- Sleep
- Stress
When it comes to a plan, most people jump on the latest diet trend and hit the gym for cardio bursts (instead you should implement these 6 weight loss hacks for moms and general healthy life habits).
To be honest, as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, this makes me shake my head every single time.
How To Lose Weight Permanently: Nutrition For Weight Loss (Pillar #1)
Losing weights is easy if you decide to cut out all possible freaking food groups for four weeks.
I love the idea behind whole30 (yay eat real food!) but keto drives me bonkers (read more about why you should avoid the keto diet here).
While some of these diets can definitely serve as a tool in your journey (intermittent fasting is one of my non-diet favorites), they can fail miserably long term.
Yes, you should stop eating shit food that has zero nutrients. But if you diet for a month and then resume your old habits, you won’t keep losing weight.
This is why 30-day challenges drive me nuts. Learn how to eat real food, each and every day if you’re looking for long term weight loss results.
This means that you’ll have to learn to cook a bit GASP. This may be super scary if you’ve never cooked (trust me, I’ve been there) but the truth of the matter is, we’re overweight because our food choices suck.
No matter how healthy it seems, a fast food wrap is never going to be the same as a home-cooked meal.
Learn. To. Cook. Just a little bit.
Need some help? Get started eating whole food with these mom-inspired meal plans.
Food goes hand in hand with managing insulin levels which helps control your weight. Learn to control insulin and your body better will better understand how to respond.
Likewise, limiting alcohol is an easy way to cut out not only excessive calories but "snacking" too.

Dieting Versus Quality Food For Dropping Weight
Another point to touch on is that you don’t need to completely “diet”. Overly restricting everything you love will leave you crabby AF and then binging on your “cheat day” *eye roll*.
Yes, you’ll have to change your habits. Yes, you’ll have to forgo some of the crap food you love if you’re serious about the goals.
But you don’t need to hate everything (this is the key element in reverse dieting!)
Focus on quality over quantity for as long as you can. And again, learn to cook.
Nutrition plays one of the biggest roles when it comes to your weight loss efforts. It’s something you have to actively think of 6 ish times per day and definitely something you have to play around with.
Truthfully, if most people just started eating more protein (not necessarily meat just more protein) you're off to a great start.
Protein keeps you full longer (which helps you not overeat on the carb front), it helps boost your metabolism and build your immune system.
If you want to control and tweak calories, eat protein. Learn more about how much protein you need and how to get it in here.

Pillars Of Weight Loss #2: Fitness
Most people who want to cut pounds know that working out is going to be part of the equation. But I’m here to tell you it’s more than that.
If you want sustainable results, you’ll again need to increase your overall level of activity. Yes, this means getting some workouts in.
My suggestion is always to find something you love doing and rock it (though strength training has the biggest benefits).
However, having a strategy can go a long way.
In my signature program SMASH Fit For Life, I use strategic twenty-minute workouts four times per week to help you lose weight, get strong, and increase energy.
But you also have to look at what you do in the hours outside the gym. Part of long-term health is being active day-to-day.
You can learn more about how to boost your activity outside the gym.
Food for thought: if you rock a one-hour workout, that doesn’t mean you should sit on your butt for the other 23 hours of the day.
Move. Your. Body.
Play with kids, do yard work, enjoy being outside. But move you must.
Grab over 25+ home workouts geared for weight loss to get you started. Or check out this 6-week fat loss program.
Create a stronger, healthier you with minimal space and money! Check out the 4 best home workout equipment to rock your at-home fitness journey.
Pillar #3 - Sleep!
This is actually one of my favorites to chat about with clients because it’s so under-prioritized!
When you’re sleeping your body is recovering. It’s resetting for the next day. It’s regulating your hormones and determines hunger levels. Your body finding its balance.
When you rob your body of this, you mess up that balance, that reset, and the equilibrium.
Which in turn, makes the following day off. You’ll be hungrier, you’ll crave more sugar (reduce your sugar intake with these tips!), your body won’t be in an optimal state.
When that happens, the body IGNORES any kind of fat loss because it’s too busy trying to keep up with all the other demands when it hasn’t had time to prepare.
In an ideal world, our body needs to regulate with the earth and sun. Meaning, in the summertime when days are longer, you’re up longer and in the wintertime, you sleep more.
You should be going to bed within an hour or so of the sun going down and getting up as it comes up.
Sounds simple but we suck at it. Many of us also struggle to fall asleep, to stay asleep, and to overall get a good quality of sleep.
Tips For Better Sleep
- No screens 30-60 minutes before bed (read a book!)
- Go to bed at the same time each night
- Create a bedtime routine (breathing, skincare etc)
- Journal before bed (if that's your thing)
- Keep the room completely dark
Some of the time you can’t control this (kids waking up etc) but much of the time you can. It’s about adjusting the habit.
And like any other aspect of weight loss, you’ve got to actively work on it. Not just expect it’ll sort itself out.
It took me about 6 months to change my sleeping habits. It was harder than any lift I’ve strived for. But now, it’s a habit.
Give your body the time it needs to get its “keep you alive” sh*t done so that it can focus on helping you with your goals.
Weight Loss Pillar #4 - Stress
The most annoying topic spoken about when it comes to any body composition goals.
Most people have accepted that they’ll be some diet and activity tweaks to their lifestyle.
What they don’t expect is a strategic plan for stress management.
Use these natural products to ease anxiety throughout the day.
We’ve all heard the tagline “belly fat caused by stress!” or “cortisol (the stress hormone) causes us to store fat”! And in many ways, it’s true.
The problem with this knowledge is that people don’t care. Many of us are willing to change our exercise and food habits but we’ve no way to conquer stress.
And yes, you can definitely manage stress in the moment. Try using these mindful and meditation techniques or products for natural stress relief. . Exercise is another great option to reduce stress or making items like these stress-reducing bath bombs.
But for long term weight loss, you need to look at your stress as a whole. And part of stress is mindset.
So naturally, this is the hardest pillar of all.
But conquer it you must. I can’t stress enough (<-- funny, right??) that you need to find a way to reduce your stress levels. Obviously, we can’t all quit our jobs, but we need to find an outlet to deal with it.
This might mean learning a few meditative breaths for dealing with acute moments.
It might mean some journaling before bed to literally get it all out. It could mean having a hobby or a physical outlet to keep you sane.
But something has to change.
This is the hardest habit to change because it’s unique to every person. But stressing less is crucial to long term weight loss.
Don't forget to pin these tips on Losing Weight Permanently!

The Secret To Success
And now for that secret. The truth is, there’s a lot you need to focus on when it comes to the best plan for how to lose weight and keep it off.
You need to tackle all of the pillars if you want to maintain a healthy weight (likewise when it comes to weight gain).
But the parts your weight loss journey have in common is: healthy habits. There’s you’re secret.
The secret to permanent weight loss is to stay consistent with healthy habits.
And this is where most people fail. 30-day challenges don’t teach you habits. They mask the symptoms, the real issues. The best things to do to lose weight are to analyze your current lifestyle and change it.
It’s hard. It sucks. And no one tells you how frustrating it’ll be. There's no perfect weight loss program.
Weight loss is never linear. But if you truly want it, if you want to keep weight off long term.
Your habits have to change.
So, there we are, the four pillars and one top secret to achieving a healthy weight.
Big goals are never easy but they’re almost always worth it. You’ll stumble and have setbacks but keep pushing. It’s in those moments you learn and progress.
As a weight loss instructor I can say this is a complete weight loss tips. To know more about weight loss.