Push ups are a classic move that should be a staple in any fitness routine. Unfortunately, many beginners struggle with them. Use these exercises to increase strength in your push ups and build your upper body!
These exercises target the same muscles you’ll need to master push ups. So, begin working them into your workout routine and watch your push up strength increase!

There’s a movement about that is all about embracing who you are. And I love that movement. I think that we as moms should celebrate the major thing we accomplished by carrying and birthing babes .. and all the squish that comes with it.
But… I also believe that you can love your body and want to change it at the same time.
And there's no denying that looking in the mirror and seeing strong, toned arms and being able to bust out a handful of push ups doesn't make you feel GOOD.
Though the push up is often seen as just a body weight chest exercise, in reality, a push up is so much more than that.
It's a total upper body exercise. that targets:
- The chest muscles (the pectroals)
- The shoulders (deltoids)
- All the arm muscles (biceps and triceps but also the muscles in the forearm)
- The back muscles (specifically the serratus anterior as well as the lats)
- The core muscles (anterior abdominals, deep internal abdominals, and the glutes)
Above are the upper body muscles worked in a push up in conjunction with strength from the core. All of these muscles must work together to perform a push up.
As a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, naturally, this means that the best way to strengthen a push up (and learn to do more push ups) is to use these muscles together in an easier setting: mastering wall push ups and eccentric push ups.
However, you also want to strengthen the muscles on their own, and develop upper body strength in general - especially if you’re a beginner (this bodyweight push workout is great to start too!).
And of course, don't forget to fuel up with the best high-protein snacks 😉
Exercises To Improve Push Ups
The seven exercises below target the muscles of the shoulders, chest, triceps, and core.
You can begin adding these upper body exercises into your current workout routine or create a circuit from them by choosing 4-5 of them and performing them back to back.
Know that training an eccentric push up helps immensely too.
Adding in something like this triceps workout at home without dumbbells would help too for general arm strength as well.
With any at home exercise, it’s important to focus on form and muscle engagement first before the quantity of repetitions.
Otherwise, you’ll stall your strength progress.
1. Plank Rocks
These can be done from the forearms or the hands in high plank position.
- Begin in plank position on your forearms with the shoulders directly above the elbows. Round the upper back slightly and get into a hollow body position. Engage the glutes.
- Slowly push your weight forward so that the shoulders go past the elbows and your core fires up.
- Then move the body backwards until your shoulders are well pas the elbows.
- Keeping rocking for the prescribed duration.
Aim for 30 seconds.

2. Isometric Bottom Push Up
- Begin in plank position with glutes engaged and a slight round in the upper back to engage a hollow body hold.
- Tuck your elbows behind you and low toward the floor. Once you’re as low as you can go (while maintaining a neutral neck), pause. Your body should be in a straight line.
- Hold the bottom part of the push up while keeping the core strong and the shoulders away from your ears.
Pause for 5-10 seconds.
Hack: this can also be done on an elevated surface to regress it if you're a beginner!

3. Hollow Body Hold
- Begin by laying on your back. Think of tucking your ribs and hip bones together which rounds the lower back and presses it into the floor.
- Holding that position raise the upper back off the floor and the arms overhead. Then, keeping the legs squeezed together and the toes pointed and raise the legs off the ground. This creates a boat like pose.
- Hold.
Work up to 25 seconds.

4. Eccentric Push Ups
- Begin in the starting push up position (a full plank) with your feet together and hands just slightly outside of your shoulders. Maintain a netrual neck.
- Keep the core engaged and a straight line as you bend the elbows backward and begin to lower toward the floor.
- Resist the urge to move quickly and instead control the exercise against gravity as you spend 4 second lowering to the ground.
- Flop to the floor and return to the starting position.
Start with 5 reps and work up to 8-10
Hack: another exercise that can be done on an elevated surface to lessen the intensity!

5. Band Floor Press
- Grab a red or black resistance band.
- Lay on the floor with the knees bent and the heels close to your bum.
- Wrap the band around your back and hold each side in either hand.
- Tuck the elbows slightly so that they’re below the shoulders and bend your arms so forearms are straight up and down. Press the band up over the chest by straightening out the elbows. Pause and return to the starting position.
Perform 10-12 repetitions.
Hack: a regular chest press on a flat bench works too. However, I like the resistance bands provide for a chest press as the most intense part of the exercise will also have the greatest resistance.

6. Mini Loop Pressdown
- Stand tall and hold a green mini loop with your right hand on your left shoulder. The other part of the loop should be in the left hand.
- Keeping the shoulder in the same spot, extend the left elbow and push the band down and behind.
- Pause and return to the start position.
Perform 12-15 repetitions per side.

7. Plank To Downward Dog
- Begin in a plank position with a slightly rounded upper back and glutes engaged.
- Push through the hands, shrug the shoulders and lift the hips into the arm to perform a downward facing dog. Really push the floor away from you and shrug the shoulders.
- Pause briefly and reverse the movement coming back into the plank with your hands right under or even slightly behind the shoulders.
Perform 8-12 repetitions.

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- How to master push ups as a beginner
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Frequently Asked Questions About Exercises To Strengthen Push Ups
To improve your push ups first make sure to master basic form. From there make use of different training techniques like using eccentric push ups, pause reps, and banded pushups in your training program. After that begin to add volume to your push up training. Make sure you are also strong in the muscles that support push ups (like triceps, shoulders, and the core).
If your goal is to improve your push up, you’ll want to train push ups and upper body at least two times per week. Make sure to leave rest days between your sessions though so that your body has time to progress.
This is a very informative article for someone like me who is a beginner when it comes to push ups. Thanks for sharing.
You know there's nobody else that can inspire this 60+ old lady to try exercising. lol. Your posts are always interesting and full of tips and advice that just makes sense. That hollow body hold is killing me. lol. But, I can feel it working. Thanks!
Haha I feel so HONORED!!! The hollow body holds are brutal... but brutally effective hehe
I started following your site when the kids had covid so I was isolating and couldn't visit the gym.
Since then it has been my go to site for finding easy to achieve workouts.
I was so pleased with my progress after following your advice on pushups! Thank you for helping this exhausted mumma bear!
Well now I am blushing. Jeepers! But really, super happy I can be part of your journey and gave you the ability to work out at home! SO much easier when you have kids to get it done at home.
Planks are evil and I avoid them like crazy but your tips and other exercises are on point! You make getting fit fun! Love the videos!
Haha planks are 100 percent evil lol but effective.
Jere Cassidy
Saving this for later. I have been battling knee problems and can't work out like I used to and now I am out of shape. Your posts are inspiring me to head to the gym post-surgery. I want my old body back.
Ugh, sorry to hear about the knee issues! It's so hard when you're set back. Glad I can give a bit of inspo though an if you ever need more help or direct help, never think twice about reaching out!