If you want to boost your health, support your immune system, and indulge your mind, learn more about loose leaf tea benefits and which kind to buy.
As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I've used loose leaf tea for everything from mental clarity to helping amp up antioxidant intake. Loose leaf tea has been around for thousands of years and is a wonderful addition to your daily routine.
As a Certified Nutrition Coach, loose leaf tea has become a staple in my house and even my toddlers love it! (herbal of course).
I drink loose leaf green tea daily and keep a bottle of chilled herbal tea in the fridge for them to sip on when they're bored of water. My girls don't drink juice boxes so they call it their "special tea" and it makes my heart melt!
Loose leaf tea has been around for longer than I can mention but never before have their been so many studies on it.
And thankfully, because of its popularity, there are more flavors, blends, and known health benefits to sipping on loose leaf tea than ever before!
Loose Leaf Tea Benefits
There are so many kinds of tea (oolong, green, black, etc) and each of them comes with its own host of perks.
If ever you were on the fence about jumping onto the tea wagon, now's the time! Below are the most common benefits of loose leaf tea but I'll delve deeper into them below.
- Lower cholesterol
- High in antioxidants
- Prevent cardiovascular disease
- Manage weight and metabolism
- Mental clarity
This post is sponsored by Adiagos tea, all opinions and photography are my own. I received no compensation for this recipe other than a free sample of the product. Thank you for supporting companies I believe in, as it helps me to continue developing new content for you. Full disclosure.
Fun Fact: I am not a doctor or a scientist. I'm sharing what I've learned and read personally. Always chat to your doc before implementing anything new especially if you're already on medication! Do your own research friends
Loose Leaf Tea Benefits
Below you'll find the more overlooked benefits of drinking loose leaf tea. If you purchase a quality tea, you'll not only enjoy a rich and delicious flavor but all the health benefits that come with it.
1. Loose Leaf Tea Is High In Antioxidants
Perhaps the most well-known health benefit of all. Loose leaf tea, even gourmet tea, is high in antioxidants.
Antioxidants help to neutralize damaged cells which help us not only look and feel better but also prevent and improve disease.
2. Has Been Said Lower Cholesterol
I think it's white tea especially has been said to help lower cholesterol because it is the least processed out of the teas. This makes the number of antioxidants in the tea higher than the others and thus is a special perk of white tea.
That said, green tea has been shown to lower levels so, having a balance of teas might be a great perk.
3. Cardiovascular Disease
It's been said that loose leaf green tea has been shown to prevent atherosclerosis and lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol. That said, much of this area of tea is still being studied (source)
From my understanding, green tea helps improve circulation which is why we initially used it with figure competitors. Improved circulation combined with healthier overall habits would most likely lead to a reduction in risk of CVD.
4. Loose Leaf To To Reduce Inflammation
Loose leaf tea, green tea especially, has been shown to reduce inflammation, specifically in the bowels.
This means that it's actually a gut-healthy drink that can help boost the immune system.
5. Weight Management
One of the reasons I started drinking tea personally as a Certified Nutrition Coach was the studies on how green tea can boost metabolism.
I noticed when coaching figure competitors how beneficial it was right before competition to have them drink tea and pull out all their water weight.
Basically, green tea can help boost your metabolism which aids in weight loss.
6. Cancer Research
Just like with turmeric (learn about the benefits of turmeric), studies are constantly coming out about the benefits of loose leaf tea and disease.
It`s been rumored that loose leaf green tea, because of its potency, has been shown to help in protecting the body from cancerous cells accumulating and progressing (source).
These types of studies are still very new and, nothing is overly conclusive but I find it insanely intriguing that it's being tested!
Chris Beat Cancer chats especially about Tulsi Tea (holy basil tea) when it comes to anything tea and cancer-related.
Keep in mind that (like everything) quality here would be crucial. Dried out, processed tea bags are not going to be gems. If you want to reap the benefits of loose leaf tea you'll want to focus on quality before anything else.
7. Mental Clarity
Loose leaf tea has a calming effect on the body. Matcha especially helps boost mental clarity. Matcha tea is extremely potent and can help boost memory and concentration.
The truth is, loose leaf tea has many more benefits than I could ever list. Herbal teas have been used in tinctures and healing for ages and each flower, herb, and tea come with their own health benefits.
But, just in case you missed it: quality matters. If your goal for drinking loose leaf tea are health related, you'll need to ensure the tea is potent, unprocessed, and yes, still tasty!
Some of the sources cited in this blog post include:
- Are there benefits to drinking green tea?
- Tea and its phytochemicals
- Green tea and cognitive function
Loose Leaf Tea Vs. Tea Bags
With so much conflicting information out there, it's hard to know where you should start when looking for a brand of tea.
And despite what you may think, there is a difference between loose leaf tea and tea bags you find at the grocery store.
The truth is, the tea in the bagged tea your purchase is often the dust and broken pieces from the actual tea leaves.
Because they are broken (and sometimes almost just dust), the tea has lost most of its quality. Often when steeped it tastes bitter (the aroma has been released in the breaking of the leaves).
There's also a good chance that the tea at the grocery store has been sitting on its shelves for a while. Even if it was a loose-leaf variety has probably lost some of its potency.
On top of that, most bagged tea has been so heavily processed that there's little left of the goodness of the actual tea. Thus, if you're looking for health benefits of loose leaf tea bagged isn't really the way to go.
Quality Loose leaf tea on the other hand, still in its purest form, is often much less processed from picking to steeping.
Because of this, it not only retains its delicious aroma and flavor but all of its original loose leaf tea benefits as well.
Where To Buy Loose Leaf Tea?
As I've alluded to above, not all teas are created equal. I've been devastated on learning that many companies add artificial ingredients, sweeteners, and sugars to their teas to create flavor.
When the point of loose leaf tea is to boost your health profile, adding in sweeteners only cancels out the benefits.
Instead, my advice is to find a company that focuses on quality and still has really delicious tea. And I finally found one! Adagio Teas are one of the best that I've tried.
They're a family-owned company based in New Jersey and the reason I love them is because they focus on quality and healing versus additives. Plus, their loose leaf tea tastes amazing!
I recently placed an order with them and here's what I got:
- Turmeric Bliss
- White Fuzzy Navel
- Rooibos Apple Cinnamon
- Green Rooibos Blueberry
- Matcha Apple Cinnamon
- Wild Strawberry
By far my favorite was the Turmeric Bliss- but I expected that! The tea is so light and fruity I absolutely adore it. Note: the bag says to only use ½ a teaspoon per serving but I personally enjoy the flavor with a bit more
All of the teas I ordered this time around taste amazing. The Apple Cinnamon is perfect on a cold night as it's extremely flavorful. The Blueberry tea was a great pick me up mid-morning and the fuzzy navel is uplifting anytime.
And of course, my daughters loved (and drank all of!) the wild strawberry. Not only is it fruity and refreshing chilled but the color is a deep pink so it was a pretty big win with them.
How To Make Loose Leaf Tea
Making loose leaf tea is simple though you will need some equipment.
- Because the tea leaves are not contained, you either need a mesh strainer, tea mug, or tea baggie to contain the leaves.
- Then, because each kind of tea requires a slightly unique temperature, boil the water according to the package instructions (heat to a specific temperature for best flavor results).
- Pour the water over top of the leaves and let steep for 3-5 minutes.
There's also the option of making your tea in a sun tea jar which is absolutely amazing if you haven't tried it.
I've grown accustomed to my tea and let it steep indefinitely (I don't remove the leaves, I just start drinking).
Kinds Of Loose Leaf Teas
There's actually a different types of loose leaf teas and each with their own unique perks.
Oolong tea: known as a fat burner, it tends to have a light, fruity or floral flavor. I find this blend really calming.
Black tea: a caffeinated tea that tends to be potent, strong tasting, and very high in antioxidants.
Green tea: all the benefits above and can be a very powerful taste if you choose a traditional blend or a lighter taste with added fruits.
White tea: very delicate, light, and simple.
Herbal tea: a non-caffeinated tea so a great one for kids. Normally a blend of fruits, flowers, roots, and anything else in nature.
Everything from stocking stuffers to subscription boxes these are the best gifts to get for the tea lovers in your life.
Final Notes
Each kind of loose leaf tea comes with its own perks. So, I personally rotate between drinking loose leaf green tea white tea, oolong tea, puree tea, and black tea.
Black tea tends to have more caffeine in it than the others and this ease off if you're pregnant. Also, try not to drink any after about 1pm in the day so you can actually sleep!
It takes a while to get used to the potency of straight tea- give it time! It also depends on how long you steep the tea so play around before giving up on loose leaf tea together.
This is my favorite travel loose leaf tea container and you can snag it on Amazon. Likewise, check out these amazing gifts for tea lovers!
Truthfully, if you're looking to get started drinking loose leaf tea or need a new variety of teas, check out Adagio.
The prices are fair, the tea is insanely delicious, they have a great variety, and best of all-they focus on quality and service. It really doesn't get much better than that!
Frequently Asked Questions About Loose Leaf Tea
Depending on the potency of the tea you have and how strong you like your tea, use 1-2 teaspoons of tea per 8-10 ounces of water.
Tea should steep for 3-5 minutes depending on how strong you like your tea. However, tea can steep much longer in an infusion cup, it will simply have a more powerful flavor.
Don't forget to pin these awesome loose leaf tea benefits!
Christie Moeller
I LOVE loose leaf teas and haven;t tried this brand so I am excited to taste it! The Turmeric one sounds fantastic!
xoxo Christie
I have a serious obsession with the Turmeric. It's my new favorite nighttime tea. I wish I could explain why but I just freaking adore it! I hope you do to!
Simone Hjulmand
I love tea! Thank you for a nice post!
There's so many types of tea now it's hard not to love it!
Ken Hanaya
I'm guessing drinking tea from a Keurig machine isn't a good substitute...haha. This is really good info. though as I never knew it aided in reducing inflammation and weight. Thanks for sharing.
Haha not exactly the same... but I feel there could be worse things to drink!
I haven't seen loose tea leaves in ages. There are so many varieties . I guess I will have to taste them to see which best sits me
There's definitely a lot to choose from so it depends on your preference. But it's hard not to find something you love!
I'm actually a coffee drinker, but I'm drinking tea right now. Loose leaf tea definitely is better. My favorite is a chamomile/lavender combo. But I still crave coffee. I'm always so jealous of the British who get truly excited over tea.
Haha not to worry- I'm a coffee addict also! I drink both 🙂 Mmm chamomile lavender sounds lovely! I like fruit based ones with my favorite being a pomagranate blend! Though I have a new obsession with the Turmeric Bliss...
Esse D
While I'm not a tea drinker, maybe the loose tea WILL taste better. If the bag takes so much from the leaves, I'll have to try loose tea and see if it's any more appealing.
Give it a shot! I find loose leaf more flavorful and love fruit infused ones (blueberry/pomagranate etc). I hope you find one you love!
Carolina @Myglobalattitude
I love my afternoon English tea but thanks to this post I'll work towards drinking green tea.
So many healthy benefits!
Green tea definitely has a zillion benefits so if you can work it into your day do it!
I just need to drink more tea! Thanks for the inspiration!
No problem- find one you love and stick with it!
We love tea in our household and have a cupboard that's especially dedicated to it. There seems to be a tea shop popping up here and there every month! I'm not a huge fan of fruity tea, but would definitely give them a go!
Haha my tea cupboard gets crazy over stocked too! If you can fall in love with a pure green tea than good for you! You'll get a ton more benefits. i find the traditional teas a bit too strong so I like the fruity ones:)
Loose leaf teas are my FAVORITE! There's something special about making tea with loose leaf...it's more rustic and I always enjoy the cup more! I think the turmeric would be my fave, too!
YES! It somehow sets the whole "calming" mood when you make it loose leaf. I'm currently sipping on the turmeric right now 😀
Daniela Modesto
This is such a great article! I'm always looking for anything that improved mental clarity. I think we can all agree that in today's over scheduled world, it can be tough to focus and stay on point...
I will definitely agree with that! Plus, I think tea just gives you five seconds to step out of your day, make it and jump back to all the "to-do;s".. and we need those step out moments!
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish
I LOVE loose leaf herbal teas! They've been a favorite of mine for years. Enjoying that cup of tea is totally self care in my book - if I can just get that 15 minutes to sip on a hot cup of tea, the day just seems to flow easier.
YES! There's something calming about it- it relaxes my mind!
Carol Little R.H.
I think it's just so wonderful that you have found your way to tea.. real tea..tisanes... infusions..
This is the very basis of herbal medicine and a super foundation to be able to learn more about how
to use herbs in tea-brewable form to help yourself in so many ways! Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you! It's an amazing thing to learn more about- I love everything holistic healing and tea is yummy on top of it!
Todd Stauffer
It's interesting how you said that adding sweeteners to loose leaf mint tea or something similar would take away from the nutritional value. This makes a lot of sense because the carbs and things in the sweetener would be doing as much damage as good. Taking your tea straight without any additives seems like a good way to ensure that you get the health benefits.
Yes, I never much thought about it until I looked up my favorite tea company and saw just how much stuff was added!If the point is to drink it for health purposes adding something unhealthy seems counter productive to me..
I buy my loose leaf tea from SamanthaSomodi they sell all kinds and acceasories too.
Ohh sweet! Thanks for sharing I'll have to check them out!
Sweet! Thanks for passing another tea place along- I'll have to check them out!
Benfits of loose leaf tea over regular CTC tea
Taylor Anderson
It's really cool that loose-leaf tea tends to be more fresh. I love drinking tea in the morning, but I've never had loose-leaf before. Thanks for pointing out the benefits of loose-leaf tea.
Honestly, I adore loose leaf tea! I drink my tea around ten am and find loose leaf is so much more flavorful. I hope you give some a try!
I love loose leaf teas but don't drink them enough. I will now, tho, after reading how much better they are for me!
They're such a great thing to add in!